The Peaceful Return is a people's movement evolving to meet the urgency of this moment. What began as a long-term vision to undo corporate capture of our democracy has become something more immediate: a peaceful, strategic walkout from the Big 5 Tech platforms and monopolies that have embedded themselves in both our government and our lives. They are no longer neutral platform, - they are active agents of surveillance, manipulation and social control. They've sold our data, eroded our privacy, amplified division and now stand complicit in a corporate-backed coup that is threatening the foundations of our democracy.
We are not just dreaming of change. We are initiating it. On April 22nd, Earth Day, we begin the Digital Exodus: a united movement to take back our power, our attention, and our voices. The Mission To reclaim our democracy - peacefully, powerfully, and together. We seek to build a system that reflects the values of fairness, liberty, and justice for all. While we still support long-term goals like reversing Citizens United and reforming corporate lobbying, we recognize that these actions will be nearly impossible without first disrupting the power structure that is accelerating right now. Why Tech? Why Now? Corporations, especially Big Tech, wield massive influence over policy, media, and the economy. As many are realizing, what we’re witnessing isn’t just political chaos; it’s an ideological coup aligned with the goals of Project 2025. But this moment could not unfold at the scale it has without the tools and complicity of the Big 5 tech platforms, the infrastructure that tracks us, distracts us, and amplifies division. And it’s moving fast. Waiting four more years is not an option. We don’t even have until September. This isn’t about perfection. It’s about leverage. We must act with focused, collective power NOW and hold the line until they stop. Even if you can leave 4 of the 5 platforms, that's good enough. Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good. Every single action, every single person matters. The Digital Exodus: By Earth Day we have stopped supporting the Big 5:
Preparation Steps: In the days leading up to Earth day, we set up a soft landing for us to connect off the above platforms.
By Earth Day, April 22nd, we are OFF. And we stay off—for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or however long it takes. Join the Movement Sign up for the Peaceful Return mailing list for updates, calls to action, and connection to a growing community. If you are interested in providing feedback, or volunteering for the cause, you can send a message on the contact form. Reopening J.E.D.I. Writers
J.E.D.I. (Just Effing Do It) Writers is a community writing group held on Zoom, and is now free and open to anyone who wants to write letters, take action and push back against corporate capture, together. When you sign up for the Peaceful Return Movement above, you will automatically get updates on community writing sessions. Final Word
We don’t need to wait for permission. We don’t need to wait for politicians. The power is with us, the people. The Peaceful Return is not just about digital detox. It’s about reclaiming our agency. April 22nd is our deadline. And our beginning. Let’s move forward. Together Longer-term Vision
Once we disrupt the current momentum of corporate authoritarian capture, we return to the systemic reforms that matter most:
1. Reverse Citizens United (2010 Supreme Court Ruling)
2. Enact Legislation to Limit Corporate Lobbying
3. End Corporate Welfare and Unfair Tax Breaks
4. End the "Revolving Door" Between Government and Corporations
5. Strengthen Anti-Trust Laws
6. Strengthen Political Campaign Finance Reform
7. Implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Regulations